About the Course

The concept of social exclusion has come to stay in academics as an interdisciplinary approach to understand the socio-economic, political and cultural phenomenon. The study of processes of exclusion and inclusion helps the students to study and understand the social realities like poverty, inequality, injustice, and deprivation in society and it helps to comprehend the issues with regard to diversified social groups, differently able persons, trans-genders, women & children etc.  

Course Objectives/ Outcomes

1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the various Dimensions of socio- Economic Exclusion and Inclusion and its application to the contemporary  research in Academics.
2. Develop and provide with both conceptual and analytical based approaches to understand the Indian Socio-Economic, political and cultural system and its impact on marginal communities by taking up multidisciplinary & Interdisciplinary research.
3. To identify the ways and means of inclusion through various governmental development programs and suggest suitable policy measures.
4. Equip students with analytical skills in research field to enhance the employment opportunities.

Enrollment Requirements

By invitation only


As per university norms

General Education Courses
From: 30/09/2024 To: 24/11/2024

Course Instructors

Associate Professor

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